Principal Investigator:Johnston, Brian Licensed Year(s):
As part of developing a Draft Land Use Plan for the Peel River watershed region, the Peel Watershed Planning Commission proposes to carry out interviews to gain a better understanding of the Tetlit Gwich’in experience on the land, including the community’s knowledge of important wildlife areas within the region. Accordingly, the interviews will involve participants communicating information on key...
Principal Investigator:Russell, Kyle Licensed Year(s):
This project is a part of a six-year research project conducted conjointly by Parks Canada, the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee, the Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope) and the Department of Environment, Yukon Territorial Government. The aim of the project is to gather information on grizzly bear activities, numbers and distribution through interviews with local hunters and l...
Principal Investigator:Smith, Barney Licensed Year(s):
In 2003, the Yukon Government, Department of Environment, in collaboration with the Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee and the Wildlife Management Advisory Committee (North Slope), interviewed several Aklavik Inuvialuit to determine the status of som...
Principal Investigator:Anderson, David G Licensed Year(s):
The method of data collection will be participant observation of hunting and processing activities at camps established within the Gwich'in Settlement Area. The camps will be established by the Gwich'in Renewable Resource Committee and will involve several generations of Gwich'in hunters: elders, adults and youth. One research assistant will participate in setting up the camp and in the day-to-day...