Principal Investigator:Beddoe, Ryley Licensed Year(s):
2015 Summary:
The objective of this research is to better understand the impact of climate driven permafrost degradation on slope instabilities and landslides in the region.
This research will involve detailed investigation of both landslides that have occurred and slopes that are assessed for being at a high risk of failure. Soil samples will be taken by digging test pits within the active layer with hand ...
Principal Investigator:Charette, Matthew Licensed Year(s):
The objectives are to measure a suite of trace elements and isotopes (TEIs) in the active layer and permanently frozen layer of permafrost cores sampled near the Mackenzie River, and to compare these concentrations to those observed in submarine groundwater discharge and Mackenzie River discharge in order to determine whether permafrost-associated TEIs are being transported to the coastal Arctic. ...
Principal Investigator:Sonnentag, Oliver Licensed Year(s):20222021201920182017
201520142013 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are to: 1) determine if the net effect of permafrost thawing-induced biophysical and biogeochemical feedbacks to the climate system; 2) determine how these two types of feedback differ between the discontinuous and continuous permafrost zones; 3) determine if the reported decrease (increase) in net CO2 (CH4) exchange based on plot- (<1m2) and ecosystem-scale...
Principal Investigator:Wookey, Philip A Licensed Year(s):
2013 Summary:
This research aims to understand what factors affect 1) the amount of carbon stored in tundra soils, and 2) the conversion of this soil carbon into greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane). In particular, the research team wants to understand how hydrology (which is the distribution and movement of water in soils and streams) might affect the carbon cycle under future global warming. This inc...
Principal Investigator:Yoshikawa, Kenji KY Licensed Year(s):
Uniform permafrost and ground surface temperature measurements are one of the more important databases for long-term climatic study as well as remote sensing ground truthing data. Consistency in sensor depth, casing and drilling methods helps in comparison of the spatial and temporal distribution of the permafrost and seasonal conditions. The proposed partnership with the schools aids continuous m...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):2014
201220112010 Summary:
The objective of this research project is to document the extent of ecological change in impacted stream basins draining the eastern slope of the Richardson Mountains and to determine the mechanisms of slump initiation and stabilization. This study will focus on the Stoney Creek catchment, which runs parallel to the Dempster Highway and empties into the Peel River at Fort McPherson, NT. The catchm...
Principal Investigator:Kokelj, Steven V Licensed Year(s):
2011201020092008200720062005 Summary:
“Environmental Studies across Treeline (ESAT) in the Mackenzie Delta region” is a northern based collaborative program with an objective to enhance the understanding of environmental conditions in the Mackenzie Delta region through scientific studies and monitoring. Specific studies include: 1) monitoring permafrost conditions in the Mackenzie Delta region; 2) examining freeze-back of the active l...
Principal Investigator:Vonk, Jorien Licensed Year(s):
20092007 Summary:
The research project goal is to collect surface sediments, bank and levee sediments, particulate sediments and shallow sediment cores from lakes in the Mackenie River Delta, and to evaluate their utility as potential archives of information concerning past permafrost stability by assessing down-core changes in the age and supply of terrestrial carbon. In 2007 and 2009, teams led by Prof. Tim Eglin...
Principal Investigator:Pollard, Wayne H Licensed Year(s):
2009 Summary:
The focus of this research is to better understand the distribution of underground ice in hydrocarbon development areas. By identifying how much ice there is, we want to study how oil/gas activities and climate change could affect the land. The reseracher plans to use non-destructive techniques like ground-penetrating radar to accomplish our surveys.
March-April, 2010: plan is to conduct 1-2 we...
Principal Investigator:Ensom, Timothy P Licensed Year(s):
2009 Summary:
The purpose of this research is to measure the seasonal temperatures of streambeds at several sites in the Mackenzie delta and adjacent tundra uplands, and predict the implications of these temperature patterns for local permafrost conditions. This project will seek to determine whether channel size and depth affect the annual thermal regime of the streambed, and will also use collected temperatu...