Principal Investigator:Jenkins, Emily J Licensed Year(s):
20192018201720162015 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4667.
The objectives of this project are: 1) to assess the health of the ISR beluga population (body condition, abnormalities, parasites); 2) to test for food borne parasites in beluga in the ISR (Toxoplasma, Trichinella); and, 3) to compare results to other marine mammal populations in the Arctic and beluga elsewhere.
Principal Investigator:Freeman, Milton M.R. Licensed Year(s):19941993
Under the direction of the Aklavik and Inuvik HTA's, the research team will carry out interviews with Inuvialuit that are knowledgable about the broad whitefish and its fishery in the local waters. Data to be obtained include information on the traditional fishery, changes to this fishery, knowledge about the breeding and feeding habits, migrations, parasites and diseases, and effects of local en...
Principal Investigator:Hatfield, C.T. Licensed Year(s):
To carry out a fresh water fisheries study, primarily in search for spawining areas. Some fish might be tested for parasites and mercury....