Principal Investigator:Metikosh, Serge Licensed Year(s):
The research team proposes to collect information about fish habitat features and use on 111 watercourse crossings along the tentative pipeline corridor in the Gwich'in Settlement Area. The amount of work to be completed at each watercourse crossing will be determined during the reconnaissance level survey and will largely be driven by their size and flow characteristics. Smaller watercourses (t...
Principal Investigator:Storace, Fleur Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will be in the ISR for a period of 4 weeks. The primary activity that the researcher will be undertaking will be to observe and talk to residents of the ISR. The researcher will begin her visit in the ISR by presenting her methods to the FJMC at their scheduled meeting on June 19 and 20th. If permitted, the researcher will accompany Ms. Cockney and Mr. Amos on monitoring rounds a...
Principal Investigator:England, Ray Licensed Year(s):
To conduct a comprehensive land and resource study to determine areas wher exploration and development may take place and establish specific conditions for environmental protection....