Principal Investigator:Nolin, Luc Licensed Year(s):
The researchers will conduct archaeological surveys and excavations at seven locations along the Mackenzie River: six sites will be surveyed and the seventh site, located at the confluence of the Arctic and Mackenzie Rivers, will be excavated. Licence issued for use of Inuvik Research Centre....
Principal Investigator:Pilon, Jean-Luc Licensed Year(s):
The researcher plans on conducting archaeological research at sites in the vicinity of Lure and Travaillant Lakes. Reconnaissance surveys will be conducted in the Campbell Hills area. Licence issued for use of Inuvik Research Centre....
Principal Investigator:D'Anglure, Bernard Saladin Licensed Year(s):
The research will involve the study of Inuit leaders and political development. How one became a leader among the Inuit, traditionally and in the present time using factors such as kinship, leadership, personal performance, authority and religious power will be be investigated....
Principal Investigator:Thompson, Judy Licensed Year(s):
In conjunction with on-going research on Dene clothing in the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Dene seamstresses will be interviewed about their life and work. Community residents will also be consulted regarding a proposed exhibition of Dene clothing. Examples of the sewing of contemporary Dene women will be purchased for the permanent collection at the Museum of Civilization....
Principal Investigator:Nagy, Murielle Licensed Year(s):
In conjunction with the Inuvialuit Social Development Program, the Researchers will gather the oral history concerning the lives of Inuvialuit along the Yukon North Slope. They will document post-contact aboriginal land use as recorded in historic sites, graves, resource extraction areas, caches, look-outs, trails, place names and gathering places in the Yukon North Slope....
Principal Investigator:Takano, Toshio Licensed Year(s):
As part of a master's thesis on the "Acculturation of the Canadian Eskimo" to study the various aspects of everyday Inuit life. Such things as social organization, religion, education levels, employment levels, technological awareness and levels of hunting fishing and trapping will be documented....