Principal Investigator:Hall, David Licensed Year(s):
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4970.
This research has three inter-related goals: 1) Acknowledge stakeholder voices and roles in addressing bison health; 2) Understand stakeholder values, attitudes, and preferences regarding the landscape and bison health management; and, 3) Assess the economic value of bison health management strategies.
The research...
Principal Investigator:Will, Alice Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this research would be to understand public attitudes, beliefs, and values toward wood bison and their management. By addressing key issues and local and Aboriginal attitudes, beliefs and behavioural intention toward wood bison and the diseases that they carry, this applied research will aid in a better understanding of how these community perceptions can contribute to the managem...
Principal Investigator:Martel, Stephane Licensed Year(s):
The researcher will conduct 15 interviews in three communities around Wood Buffalo National Park as part of a study using a systemic methodlogy that includes reviewing official documents and media coverage as well as on site visits....
Principal Investigator:Notzke, Claudia Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will collect information for a book on aboriginal natural resource management in Canada. The focus of the work will be concentrated with wildlife co-management, native participation in the design, use and management of new national park reserves and the question of how the settlement of claims ties in with current land use planning practices....