Principal Investigator:Southcott, Chris Licensed Year(s):
2010200920082007 Summary:
The objectives of this research project are:
• to continue developing a comprehensive listing of social economy organizations in Northern Canada;
• to undertake a survey of these organizations to determine the characteristics of these organizations including locations, activities, size, employment, membership and structure; and
• to update the database of social economy organizations in the N...
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
GNWT Education, Culture and Employment (ECE) has commissioned this evaluation to:
1) determine if the current early childhood education delivery model and the Aurora College Early Childhood Development (ECD) Training programs are meeting the needs of students, parents, children, and communities in the NWT; and
2) learn about other models of training within the NWT and in other Canadian jurisd...
Principal Investigator:Duthie, Andrew Licensed Year(s):2012
The objectives of this research are to build up baseline reports on the social/economic and land and resource use conditions in the research area for the Courageous Lake Project.
For the interview-based research:
The interviews will typically last approximately an hour; longer interviews would be confirmed in advance out of respect for people's schedules. Personal interviews are carried out wh...
Principal Investigator:O'Keefe, Jeffrey Licensed Year(s):
The objective of this qualitative study is to explore how current methods of teacher performance appraisals contribute to teacher growth and improvement over time in the Northwest Territories. This study explores how current methods of teacher performance appraisals result in teacher growth and improvement over time. Teacher perceptions about the value, benefit, and purpose of teacher performanc...
Principal Investigator:Graham, John R. Licensed Year(s):
200820082007 Summary:
This research follows a 2006–2009 Social Science and Humainities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant (SRG) and a 2006-2007 SSHRC Northern Development Grant, in which the researchers piloted a quantitative instrument to measure Subjective Well Being (SWB) of practicing social workers in Alberta, Northwest Territories, and northwestern Ontario. This current research project bu...
Principal Investigator:Rose, Louise Licensed Year(s):
The goal is to survey critical care nurses across Canada to obtain a comprehensive description of nurses’ current knowledge and practice of pain assessment and management in critically ill adults. The researchers hypothesize that considerable variation exists for pain assessment, documentation, and management as well as the education received regarding pain assessment and management priorities for...
Principal Investigator:Martin, Marissa Licensed Year(s):
This study will focus on the following:
1) The development of a formal performance measurement framework focused on the Closing the Aboriginal Student Achievement Gap Initiative. This framework will serve as a blueprint for program managers to use in measuring and reporting on the results and outcomes of this Initiative over its lifecycle.
2) The development of a supporting decision making logi...
Principal Investigator:Jacob, Victoria J Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to facilitate contact and communication between visiting professionals (government personnel and other agencies of Western society) with Indigenous communities and individuals.
The objectives of this research are : (1) to facilitate knowledge by visiting professionals in communicating with Indigenous peoples; (2) to facilitate harmony and respect between said-prof...
Principal Investigator:Bassi Kellett, Sheila E Licensed Year(s):
This project will focus on the question: “What research strategies can the Government of the Northwest Territories undertake, in partnership with community governments and their representative organizations, that would most effectively support the enhancement of local government administrators’ leadership competencies and capacities within the Northwest Territories?” Key partners in this are the G...
Principal Investigator:Mao, Yang Licensed Year(s):
2008 Summary:
This license has been issued for the scientific research application #938.
The objectives of this study are: 1. examine the impact of social, demographic, lifestyle and behaviour factors to the HPV infection prevalence in NWT; 2. establish the baseline for evaluating the HPV vaccine program in future.
The study population includes: women from the following 12 communities: Behchoko (Rae-Edzo)...