Principal Investigator:Myles, Richard G Licensed Year(s):2020
201720152014 Summary:
The 2017-2018 Physical Activity Monitor (PAM), specifically, will examine physical activity levels of Canadians and will permit the comparison of activity levels over time, sport participation, and furthermore will examine physical activity and sport opportunities available in Canadian communities, such as availability, usage, and satisfaction with places to walk or bicycle, trails, green spaces, ...
Principal Investigator:Paulette, Cochise Licensed Year(s):
The short term objectives of this project are to:
1) Document and present and historical data on the local environment and wildlife;
2) Assess the impacts of climate change on our community's health and food security;
3) Support intergenerational knowledge sharing between elders and youth on the land;
4) Engage our community in the research;
5) Build traditional knowledge capacity in our com...
Principal Investigator:Miller, Judith Licensed Year(s):
The purpose of this study is to explore the ways in which Aboriginal Social Work Managers/Supervisors who live and work in rural/remote northern communities take care of themselves (i.e., maintain their physical/mental health), and, from their experience...