Principal Investigator:Wang, Rosalie Licensed Year(s):
The focus of the Aging, Disability, and Technology (ADT) project is the ethical concern of equity in the availability and adoption of new technology -- the issue of fairness of access and distribution. ADT addresses the need for the implementation of the human rights of persons with technology needs in Canada, including people who are aging well, and people who are acquiring disability as they age...
Principal Investigator:Joordens, Steve Licensed Year(s):
The objective is to assess the impact of real-time, interactive, video conferencing in the classroom on teachers and students. Specifically, the research team hope to assess the impact of its implementation for student-to-student, student-to-expert, and teacher-to-teacher interactions.
At the beginning of the project, teachers will be given surveys that will ask them about their engagement and...
Principal Investigator:Kuntz, Patricia A. Licensed Year(s):
The population that will be used for this study is nurses working in a hospital setting in the NWT. Participants will be asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire (1-1/2 pages) and return the completed questionnaire to the researcher. A letter will accompany the questionnaire, explaining the purpose of the study and nature of research to each participant....