Principal Investigator:Ashthorn, Heather Licensed Year(s):2020
2018201720172015201320122011200920082006 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4585.
The objective of this project is to document and assess changing environmental conditions in the range of the porcupine caribou herd and adjacent coastal and marine ecosystems and to share information for co-management.
Community based monitors are selected by local Renewable Resource Councils (RRCs) or Hunters and...
Principal Investigator:Benson, Kristi Licensed Year(s):
2012 Summary:
The proposed two-year traditional knowledge (TK) study focuses on gathering Gwich’in traditional knowledge of three species of special concern- wolverine, grizzly bear, and woodland caribou - northern mountain population. The TK studies will be led by a Gwich'in Species at Risk (SAR) TK Committee, which will direct the projects and allow information to flow from federal and territorial bodies to c...