Principal Investigator:Shimpo, Mitsuru Licensed Year(s):
Dr. Shimpo will study the needs of the Dene as perceived by themselves and their educators regarding education and work. Through questionnaires and interviews, educational and training strategies may be developed which reflect a Dene perspective....
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The Researcher will carry out a needs assessment. Interviews will be conducted with 30 employers, organizations and trades women. A small sample of men working in trades will also be interviewed....
Principal Investigator:Fogwill, Lynn Licensed Year(s):
Ms. Lynn Fogwill conducted interviews with women in the seven communities, as well as consulted with GNWT Department of Economic Development representatives, crafts co-ops, crafts societies, aborginal women's associations and the NWT Advisory Council on the Status of Women to analyse arts and crafts activities as they affect women. They were asked about their current situation, their problems,and...
Principal Investigator:Morrison, Debra Licensed Year(s):
Debra Morrison was interviewing Dene women to find out which social factors influence feeling of isolation. She asked questions about their education, marriages, family, religious involvement and work. The information will help her identify future research....
Principal Investigator:Cunningham, Jim Licensed Year(s):
Jim Cunningham will be interviewing community leaders in the communties that he is visiting. He will ask questions about the development of local government in their community and their region as well as what they want in regards to delivery of services. He is using this information to write a Master's thesis....
Principal Investigator:Nahanni, Phoebe Licensed Year(s):
To complete the research begun in 1986 and to concentrate on the data collection of the decision-making aspects of hunters of the Lower Liard Dene in the N.W.T....
Principal Investigator:McIntosh, Debbie Licensed Year(s):
To compile a resource inventory for the following areas: the Fort Norman block land transfer region, Drum (Wrigley) Lake, June Lake, Caribou Flats and Willow (Brackette) Lake; to produce a land use plan for these areas following input from the Hamlet Council as well as other interest groups and individuals....
Principal Investigator:Lavoie, Susan Licensed Year(s):
1. To develop and implement a print survey to asses child care needs within all NWT communities; 2. To put together a final report and action plan based on results of survey from communities, in consultation with NWT Child Care Association Board....
Principal Investigator:Hail, Barbara Licensed Year(s):
To document the Colcleugh Collection of native crafts in preparation for a major catalogue of subarctic holdings....
Principal Investigator:Abele, Frances Licensed Year(s):
To carry out research on Transport Canada's Native Fligh Service Station Operators Training Program, and to study factors that contribute to success or failure of that program....