3 record(s) found in the location "Dehcho Region" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Geothermal potential of the Southern Mackenzie Region
Principal Investigator: Raymond, Jasmin
Licensed Year(s): 2023 2021
Summary: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5553. The research proposed in this application aims to reduce the consumption of petroleum products used for heating. Indeed, the objective of the proposed project is to develop resources and advance the maturity of technologies associated with the direct use of geothermal energy in Canada. What is targeted is the direct u...

In-Stream Turbines for N'dulee Crossing Ferry Camp
Principal Investigator: May, Glenn
Licensed Year(s): 2010
Summary: The objectives of this study are: 1. To evaluate the use of hydrokinetic power generation in the Northwest Territories for use in off-grid applications, 2. To demonstrate cost-savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions power for a ferry camp (N'dulee Crossing, about 80 km WNW of Fort Simpson on the way to Wrigley), 3. Based on the results of the N'dulee crossing operation in 2010, evalua...

Licence #2697
Principal Investigator: Singh, T.
Licensed Year(s): 1981
Summary: To cut 100 trees in 4 areas; (approx. 60 each of 6 species - white spruce, black spruce, jackpine, aspen, balsam poplar and larch) (total 400) to serve as an indicator of which species will have the maximum potential for energy (Biomass Survey)....