Principal Investigator:Dube, Monique G Licensed Year(s):
The objectives of this research are three-fold: 1) to determine the natural variability of benthic invertebrate and fish communities at sites free of human impact; 2) to determine any changes in these due to mining activity relevant to regional variability; and 3) to establish dose response relationships and critical thresholds for stressors including mine effluent, ammonia, a hydrocarbon indicato...
Principal Investigator:Hermus, Chelsea Licensed Year(s):
The main objective of the project is to collect fossils of two specific groups of early fishes (acanthodians and heterostracans) to supplement specimens already collected for research projects at the University of Alberta. The field party plans to journe...
Principal Investigator:Boileau, Marc G. Licensed Year(s):
19871986 Summary:
To investigate the ecology and population genetics of crustacean zooplankton; to study the genetic diversity of the major species of copepods and their dispersal since deglaciation; to clarify the taxonomy and improve distribution records....
Principal Investigator:McLeod, Curtis Licensed Year(s):
To document fish use of shalllow side-channel areas or river margins and to estimate the effect of water level changes on fish habitat. Detailed physical data collection (water levels, velocity and sediment samples) will be undertaken, data will also be collected of fish and small invertebrate use of habitat....