Principal Investigator:Oberle, Eva Licensed Year(s):2024
2022202120202019 Summary:
This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5405.
The Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) is a self-report questionnaire that gives students a voice by answering questions about their feelings and experiences both inside and outside of school. The MDI uses a holistic, strengths-based approach to measure five dimensions of child development strongly linked to so...
Principal Investigator:Martin, James A Licensed Year(s):
This Master’s level research project aims to discover if full cost accounting principles should be considered in decision-making on the costs and benefits associated with mining in the Northwest Territories. The project will consist of an in-depth case study using both primary and secondary data sources, including interviews with the personnel of organizations considered to be regular reviewers of...
Principal Investigator:Reid, John Licensed Year(s):
Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and Green Plan, this ongoing study is required to: (1) publish a national report on the state of the environment at regular intervals, (2) develop a set of indicators that measure Canada's progress in achieving environmental goals, and (3) establish an ongoing capability to study resources at risk, ecosystem response and the impact of major disruptio...
Principal Investigator:Graham, Karen Licensed Year(s):
1990 Summary:
Ms. Graham and Ms. Haywood will continue to administer the Inquiry Mode Questionnaire of Harrison and Bramson. The investigation will compare thinking styles of nurses in Outpost Health Centres with urban hospital nurses....
Principal Investigator:Little, Lois M. Licensed Year(s):
The Researchers will interview students (ages 12 to 18 years) identified by Divisional Boards or local Education Councils/Authorities as at risk of leaving school before completing grade 12 and those students in this age group who have already left school. The study will determine what influences affected their decision to leave school....
Principal Investigator:Nahanni, Phoebe Licensed Year(s):
To complete the research begun in 1986 and to concentrate on the data collection of the decision-making aspects of hunters of the Lower Liard Dene in the N.W.T....