380 record(s) found in the location "" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Licence #2714
Principal Investigator: Larke, R.P. Bryce
Licensed Year(s): 1982
Summary: To assess the extent of carriage by pregnant native women of a particular virus (hepatitis B virus HBV markers) Blood samples will be taken from appropriate donors in their home communities....

Licence #2706
Principal Investigator: Spady, Donald W.
Licensed Year(s): 1982
Summary: As a folow-up to a 1973/74 study of infant mortality rates; this will deal with these children (now 8 and 9 years of age) from the standpoint of their present health and the incidence of certain diseases....

Licence #2702
Principal Investigator: Grant, Shelagh
Licensed Year(s): 1981
Summary: To conduct a survey of local peoples' opinion on the effects of World War Ii and their perceptions of the effects of WW II and how it changed such things as health care, education and government policy. This is the background to an M.A. history thesis....

Licence #2627
Principal Investigator: Brizinski, Peggy M.
Licensed Year(s): 1981
Summary: To undertake a study of the inter- reactions and inter-relationships that exist presently and develop between social scientists and local people participating in studies and surveys....

Licence #2540
Principal Investigator: Spady, Donald W.
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: As a follow-up to a 1973/74 study of infant mortality rates, this study will deal with these children (now 6 and 7 years of age) from the standpoint of their present health and the incidence of certain diseases....

Licence #2520
Principal Investigator: Takano, Toshio
Licensed Year(s): 1979
Summary: As part of a master's thesis on the "Acculturation of the Canadian Eskimo" to study the various aspects of everyday Inuit life. Such things as social organization, religion, education levels, employment levels, technological awareness and levels of hunting fishing and trapping will be documented....

Licence #2359
Principal Investigator: Calef, George
Licensed Year(s): 1978
Summary: To carry out monitoring and research studies of all major caribou herds and wolves which may include marking, tagging and collaring....

Licence #1976
Principal Investigator: McLean, D. M.
Licensed Year(s): 1976
Summary: 1) To define the prevalence of arboviruses pathogenic for man, especially California encephalitis virus, 2) to determine quantitive relationships between the incidence of arboviral infection in mosquito larvae, adult mosquitoes and vertebrate reservoirs of arboviral virus....

Licence #1831
Principal Investigator: Freas, G. Craig
Licensed Year(s): 1975
Summary: Research on the design and construction of secondary and temporary Arctic airfields....

Licence #1798
Principal Investigator: Black, Heather
Licensed Year(s): 1974
Summary: Study of population migration between Inuvik and Aklavik -- selectivity according to age, sex, ethnic origin, etc., and the reasons poeple have for moving permanently or seasonally between the two communites....