Biomass estimates for the North American boreal forest

Régions: Gwich'in Settlement Area, South Slave Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, biomass, forestry, trees, boreal forests

chercheur principal: Simpson, Lloyd G. (2)
Nᵒ de permis: 8057
Organisation: University of California, Santa Barbara
Année(s) de permis: 1988 1987
Délivré: janv. 01, 1988
Équipe de projet: 6 assistants

Objectif(s): To obtain the first statistically valid estimate of the biomass of the North American boreal forest by locating random sample plots throughout the boreal forest and making dimensional measurements of trees and shrubs

Description du projet: Dr. Simpson and his crew will be travelling along the NWT highway system measuring trees and shrubs in the forest. This information will be used to estimate the amount of living material in the boreal forest.