Régions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut
étiquettes: biology, fish, genetics, aquatic invertebrates, species distribution, genetic diversity
chercheur principal: | Hebert, Paul D.N. (6) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 7077 |
Organisation: | University of Windsor |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | janv. 01, 1987 |
Objectif(s): To continue work on the genetics and ecology of arctic freshwater organisms during 1987. To assess the levels of genetic diversity in ostracode populations, distributional patterns of the dominant ostracodes, while supplementary studies will examine the ecology of ostracode crustaceans and turbellarian flatworms. In addition small samples (5-10 individuals)of Salvelinus namaycush will be obtained from lakes in the Melville Pen. and Igloolik Isl. Mitochondrial DNA will be isolated from the fish with a view towards learning more about the dispersal of this species from glacial refugia.