Taltson River Basin - AEMP Traditional Knowledge Study

Régions: North Slave Region, South Slave Region

étiquettes: traditional knowledge, aquatic environment, Taltson River Basin

chercheur principal: Jones, Sarah (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 17566
Organisation: Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Année(s) de permis: 2024
Délivré: juil. 16, 2024
Équipe de projet: Christina Poletto, Talina Cyr-Steenkemp, Shawn Whiteman, Graeme Reid, Patrick Smith

Objectif(s): The objective of the study is to gather Traditional Knowledge from local community members and land users of the Taltson River Aquatic Environment (Nonacho Lake, Lady Gray Lake, Twin Gorges Forebay, Trudel Creek/Lake, Lower Taltson River and Rutledge Lake). These data will be gathered to document changes to the water quality, water levels and flow, riparian vegetation, fish communities, and fish habitat and fish health in the lakes and rivers in the past 10 years under the current water licence.

Description du projet: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No. 5926. The objective of the study is to gather Traditional Knowledge from local community members and land users of the Taltson River Aquatic Environment (Nonacho Lake, Lady Gray Lake, Twin Gorges Forebay, Trudel Creek/Lake, Lower Taltson River and Rutledge Lake). These data will be gathered to document changes to the water quality, water levels and flow, riparian vegetation, fish communities, and fish habitat and fish health in the lakes and rivers in the past 10 years under the current water licence. Any concerns with the Taltson Twin Gorges Generating Station and potential impacts on the Taltson River aquatic environment, including on water, fish populations, fish habitat and fish health, will also be noted. The results of the AEMP Traditional Knowledge Study will be used to supplement the 2019 AEMP monitoring results and incorporated into the reports for submission to the MVLWB. Stantec will conduct a Traditional Knowledge workshop with each of Deni´nu Ku?´e?´ First Nation (DKFN), Fort Resolution Métis Government (FRMG), Salt River First Nation (SRFN), Tthebatthi Dënésuliné (Smith's Landing First Nation – SLFN), Fort Smith Métis Council (FSMC), and Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation (LKDFN) in Fort Resolution, Fort Smith, and Lutsel K’e. The workshops will be planned with input from participating Indigenous Governments and Organizations and will respect stated Traditional Knowledge policies and protocols of participating Indigenous Governments and Organizations for collection and handling of Traditional Knowledge. The structure and format for Traditional Knowledge workshops will be determined in collaboration with Indigenous Governments and Organizations, but at a minimum will be designed to collect information and document changes in lakes and rivers in the Taltson River basin, including Nonacho Lake, Lady Gray Lake, Twin Gorges Forebay, Trudel Creek/Lake, Lower Taltson River and Rutledge Lake. In particular, the Traditional Knowledge workshops will be designed to solicit information from study participants on: o Water quality o Water levels and flow o Riparian vegetation o Fish communities o Fish habitat o Fish health Study participants will be selected by participating Indigenous Governments and Organizations. Timing for workshops will be determined in collaboration with Indigenous Governments and Organizations, but Stantec anticipates each workshop will last no more than one day and that approximately 3-5 participants may attend each workshop. At the completion of workshops, Stantec will develop reports that outline the methods and results of each workshop, including buffered locations of harvesting and cultural sites identified on maps. This will include relevant Traditional Knowledge approved for sharing. In addition, Stantec will develop and maintain detailed Records of Contact and meeting notes. These will be used to document the Traditional Knowledge workshops and track actions and commitments. The following Indigenous Governments and Organizations have been invited by NTPC to participate in the Taltson River Basin AEMP Traditional Knowledge Study: • Deni´nu Ku?´e?´ First Nation (DKFN) • Fort Resolution Metis Government (FRMG) • Salt River First Nation (SRFN) • Tthebatthi Dënésuliné (Smith's Landing First Nation – SLFN) • Fort Smith Metis Council (FSMC) • Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation (LKDFN) In addition, NTPC will engage with Northwest Territory Métis Nation (NWTMN) and Akaitcho IMA Implementation Office (AIMA) to inform them of the Taltson River Basin AEMP Traditional Knowledge Study. The above listed Indigenous Governments and Organizations were invited to participate in the study because their citizens hold Traditional Knowledge and are users of the land and aquatic environment in the Taltson River Basin (Nonacho Lake, Lady Gray Lake, Twin Gorges Forebay, Trudel Creek/Lake, Lower Taltson River and Rutledge Lake). NTPC sent invitations to participate in the Taltson River Basin AEMP Traditional Knowledge Study by email to each Indigenous Government and Organization. NTPC requested to meet with 3-5 participants from each Indigenous group for Traditional Knowledge workshops as well as coordinators from each Indigenous Government and Organization to assist in planning the workshops. Participants will be selected by the Indigenous Government or Organization. The research team will also seek guidance from the coordinators regarding any cultural protocols and processes to respect over the course of the Project. Working directly with the coordinators, the research team will determine whether translation services are required and translators will be identified and/or approved by the respective Indigenous Government or Organization and compensated for their participation. Stantec will provide draft summary reports for each Traditional Knowledge workshop to the workshop coordinator or workshop leads of the Indigenous Governments and Organizations for review and comment. Once draft summary reports are agreed upon and finalized, NTPC will submit final reports to MVLWB by August 31, 2024. Stantec will return all materials relative to Traditional Knowledge collected during the Traditional Knowledge Study to respective Indigenous groups at the completion of the reports. Stantec and NTPC will not disseminate the reports, Traditional Knowledge, or other results of Traditional Knowledge workshops to other agencies, groups, or the general public without the consent of the Indigenous group. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from: July 16 - August 31, 2024