Electric Vehicle and Smart Heating Opportunities in Yukon and NWT

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: renewable energy, greenhouse gases, engineering, electricity, Electric Power Systems

chercheur principal: Collier, Joe (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 17273
Organisation: Yukon University
Année(s) de permis: 2023
Délivré: mai 29, 2023
Équipe de projet: Michael Ross, Matt Ooms, John Ross, Geoff Cartwright, Simon Geoffroy-Gagnon, Andrew MacMillan, Amber Polson,

Objectif(s): To identify these technical obstacles within specific neighborhoods that anticipate high rates of EV and smart heating unit adoption. We will model these neighborhoods in high detail and present our stakeholders with a suite of possible solutions to any encountered challenges.

Description du projet: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5529. The objective is to identify these technical obstacles within specific neighborhoods that anticipate high rates of EV and smart heating unit adoption. We will model these neighborhoods in high detail and present our stakeholders with a suite of possible solutions to any encountered challenges. The Yukon portion of this study is almost complete. The NWT portion will focus on 1-2 neighbourhoods within Yellowknife and follow a similar set of methods. March-May: conduct literature review, coordinate field work May – June: collect field data in Yellowknife (and load profile data) (field data will consist of taking photos of transmission lines, transformers, and noting secondary-service lines) June – mid July: develop CAD models using field data Mid- July – September: Develop Simulink models and conduct analyses, creating results (while populating other sections of the report) September – Mid-October : Craft report -focus on identifying solutions to technical bottlenecks Mid – October – end of November: Implement feedback, conduct additional analyses, investigate other solutions and/or refine load profiles There will be two main NWT stakeholders associated with this project: NTPC and GNWT. Monthly technical update meetings are currently held with NTPC and are in the midst of developing a communications plan with GNWT. At minimum, stakeholder meetings will be held upon each milestone highlighted in the methodology. Bi-weekly meetings would be desirable, but will depend on the capacity of each organization to attend. In addition to these stakeholders, researchers would be keen to work with other groups such as Arctic Energy Alliance and Aurora Research Institute. The hope is to develop these partnerships in the coming months. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from: May 01 - November 30, 2023