Régions: North Slave Region
étiquettes: social sciences, climate change, socio-economics, public health, community consultation
chercheur principal: | Harrison, Mark O (1) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 17248 |
Organisation: | University of British Columbia |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | mai 01, 2023 |
Objectif(s): To gain insight into the perspectives and priorities of communities around the impact of climate change on health, including the perception of health vulnerability within communities, the ways communities can and are responding, and how they can be supported.
Description du projet: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5499. This work focuses on gaining insight into the perspectives and priorities of communities around the impact of climate change on health, including the perception of health vulnerability within communities, the ways communities can and are responding, and how they can be supported. The research team will organize a series of interviews and focus group sessions. These sessions will be structured to achieve the aim of interdisciplinarity and community engagement. In attendance will be the applicants, potential collaborators, and knowledge holders (including community leaders, policymakers, and public sector experts) to engage in discussions to identify the questions communities are asking and their priorities, and develop research questions that reflect community interests. This will also serve as a valuable step towards building connections with community-based experts and leaders who are motivated to tackle this complex issue of health vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. The research team are also aiming to engage community members in photovoice as part of our research question development process. This current project is aimed at understanding the concerns of communities and developing research questions that are aligned with those concerns. The team will use emails, online adverts, and community connections to reach out to stakeholders. The team will use emails to share the final results of the project. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from April 28, 2023 to December 31, 2023.