Fish Habitat and Hydrotechnical Assessments along the Proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway

Régions: Sahtu Settlement Area, Dehcho Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, fish habitat, hydrology, infrastructure

chercheur principal: Chiperzak, Doug (8)
Nᵒ de permis: 16904
Organisation: K'alo-Stantec
Année(s) de permis: 2021
Délivré: sept. 22, 2021
Équipe de projet: Scott MacKenzie, Mark Aylward-Nally

Objectif(s): To collect baseline fish, fish habitat and hydrotechnical data for selected watercourses along the proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway to support engineering design and the regulatory process.

Description du projet: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.5060. The goal is to collect baseline fish, fish habitat and hydrotechnical data for selected watercourses along the proposed Mackenzie Valley Highway to support engineering design and the regulatory process. Fish habitat will be assessed along 100 m reaches upstream and downstream of each potential watercourse crossing. The following data will be collected along each transect: general channel morphology; channel width; wetted width; water depth; substrate (stream bed) composition; bank description (i.e., height, slope and stability); functional cover type and abundance; riparian vegetation composition; and global positioning system (GPS) recordings and photographs. Stream flows will be measured, and high-water marks or ice scour evidence will also be recorded. Habitat quality will be rated using habitat quality classes based on four habitat types: migration, overwintering, rearing, and spawning. Field personnel will rate habitat for each of the four categories as nil, poor, moderate or good for each of the three fish species categories: forage fish (small-bodied fish such as minnows), coarse (e.g., suckers) or sport (e.g., pike, arctic grayling). Local harvesting may include both coarse and sport fish. The channel will be assessed for potential seasonal or permanent barriers to fish migration. Data collected on site will be used in conjunction with previously collected data published in reports (when available) to achieve a comprehensive assessment of fish habitat. Fish sampling will be conducted along each reach assessed, when water is present. Fish will be collected using a backpack electrofisher and minnow traps. Both methods are non-destructive ways of capturing fish. Fish collected will be identified, length and weight measured, and a visual inspection for parasites, deformities, erosion of fins, lesions, and tumors. The Department of Infrastructure has had multiple meetings over multiple years with the community Renewable Resource Counsel’s, band councils and other community groups and land claim organizations. Respective organizations will be notified of start date and to retain a wildlife monitor. Information gathered from this project will be shared with the respective communities. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from September 21, 2021 to December 31, 2021.