Spatial and long-term trends in persistent organic contaminants and metals in fish from the Northwest Territories

Régions: Dehcho Region, South Slave Region

étiquettes: contaminants, fish, metals, fish health, burbot, lake trout, organic contaminants

chercheur principal: Evans, Marlene S. (54)
Nᵒ de permis: 16605
Organisation: Environment and Climate Change Canada
Année(s) de permis: 2019
Délivré: juil. 30, 2019
Équipe de projet: Derek Muir, Rosy Bjornson, Ray Griffith, Peter Redvers, Shawn Buckley, George Low

Objectif(s): To investigate whether contaminant levels are changing in fish in Great Slave Lake.

Description du projet: This licence has been issued for the scientific research application No.4533. This study will investigate whether contaminant levels are changing in fish in Great Slave Lake which the research team have been studying since the early 1990s. The team plan to collect lake trout from the Hay River and Lutsel K’e areas. The team will also collect burbot from the Lutsel K’e and Fort Resolution areas of Great Slave Lake, and northern pike from the Fort Resolution area of Great Slave Lake. The research team will collect 20 burbot and 20 northern pike from the West Basin of Great Slave Lake (near Slave River) by community members from Fort Resolution during their normal subsistence fishing activities (gill net or angling). 20 lake trout will be collected from the West Basin of Great Slave Lake by the Hay River commercial fishery (gill net). 20 lake trout and 20 burbot will be collected from the East Arm of Great Slave Lake by community members from LutselK’e during their normal subsistence fishing activities (gill net or angling). Community members (chosen by the local RRC) will assist to collect fish for this study. Communities will be kept informed of the progress of the study. The researcher may visit the communities to discuss the study and present results from previous years. Results will be distributed through reports, posters and yearly community visits. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from August 1, 2019 December 31, 2019.