Online Digital Hazard Maps of Landslides Along the Caribou Hills

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, climate change, remote sensing, aerial photography, disturbance mapping

chercheur principal: Giff, Garfield (2)
Nᵒ de permis: 16424
Organisation: ARI
Année(s) de permis: 2019 2018
Délivré: déc. 10, 2018

Objectif(s): To develop and disseminate through a geoportal, hazard maps and additional information to support the development and implementation of climate change adaptation strategies for the Caribou Hills.

Description du projet: The main objective of the project is to develop and disseminate through a geoportal, hazard maps and additional information to support the development and implementation of climate change adaptation strategies for the Caribou Hills. Within the geoportal, spatial and non-spatial information will be available to inform: regulations, the community of the possible danger, vulnerability assessments, the location or relocations of cabins, transportation, hunting and trapping, fishing, and other recreational activities along the Caribou Hills. The service will also support the NWT Geological Survey planned geohazard mapping and geohazard risk assessment surveys. The following sub-objectives were defined to ensure that the project’s main objective is achieved in a timely and effective manner: 1. Consult with relevant communities to identify their needs and participation in the project; 2. Map the area of interest using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Photogrammetry Techniques; 3. Develop elevation models of the area such as digital surface model and digital terrain model (DTM and DSM); 4. Develop geographic information system (GIS) layers (landslide, slump, building, waterbodies, vegetation, etc.) for the data collected; 5. Acquire surficial layers and other datasets capable of supporting the development and implementation of climate change adaptation strategies; 6. Host meeting to update the community on the progress of the project (Community Engagement); 7. Collect and structure non-spatial data (e.g., historical metrological data of the area); 8. Perform analysis and prepare hazard map layers; 9. Host a workshop to introduce the GIS to the community partners; 10. Create simple simulation models using outputs form the GIS analysis; 11. Identify suitable means for the dissemination of the information (e.g., geoportals and printed maps); and, 12. Publish information. In addition to the main objective, that the project may also provide training opportunities on UAV operations to a limited number of residents. The community will be engaged throughout the entire lifecycle of the project. The project will rely on the participation and knowledge of community members in the collection of relevant data. Therefore, prior to kick-off and during the lifetime of the project, the project team will host meetings and workshops with the community members. These activities will facilitate the discussion of the project scope and purpose, the expected results and their benefits to the community, the community’s involvement in the project, as well as, update the community on the progress of the project. The data review process will utilise desktop research to source relevant project data, access the data and assess their quality to determine suitability. In addition, the identified relevant and suitable data will be acquired where possible. Although some data will be acquired from third party sources the majority of the data required to complete the project will also be collected in the field. The UAV Photogrammetry methodology was chosen to collect the field data after extensive review of data collection techniques. It has proved to be the most cost effective, timely, and efficient method of collecting large scale data (at the required accuracy) over an area of the project size. Collecting the required data using UAV Photogrammetry methodology will involve: a) preplanning: establishing ground control (using GPS) and flight planning; and, b) flying the Project Area: Flying the UAV over the project area taking overlapping images of the project area (based on the flight plan). The position of the UAV during flight will be established using GPS. Skilled GIS Technicians under the supervision of the Manager GIS Program will design and implement a GIS to analyse the data collected and develop hazard maps based on the analysis and local knowledge. This will involve but not limited to: a) software and hardware selection; b) data Processing: Post processing of the imagery collected using UAV Photogrammetry methodology. That is, using specialized software and skilled technicians develop digital elevation and surface models form the acquired photographs; c) the uploading of additional dataset into the GIS and perform quality assurance and quality check on the data; d) the creation of GIS layers; and, e) the population of the GIS with non-spatial data. GIS tools will be used to perform analysis of the data to identify: landslides, slumps, soil types (surficial modelling), gradient of the slopes, the terrain, vegetation, soil moisture, wildlife habitat, possible effects of earth movement, areas most likely to be affected by earth movement, and the effects of earth movement on the drainage system. The project team will develop simple simulation models using different variables. That is, create a number of what if scenarios and animate their results. The results of the project will be distributed using different media depending on the targeted audience. A workshop will be held (for community members) to illustrate and discuss the results of the project. During this workshop, the project team will also demonstrate to the community the procedures for accessing the results online. Paper hazard maps will be delivered to the community. The GIS developed during the project lifecycle will be made accessible online where authorised users can perform limited spatial operations. The results will be communicated through the IRC portal. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from June 3, 2019 to August 30, 2019.