étiquettes: physical sciences, mineral exploration, aeromagnetic survey
chercheur principal: | Coyle, Maurice (2) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 16058 |
Organisation: | Natural Resources Canada |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | févr. 17, 2017 |
Équipe de projet: | Frank Kiss, Olivier Boulanger |
Objectif(s): To acquire high-resolution aeromagnetic data.
Description du projet: The objective of this airborne survey is to acquire high-resolution aeromagnetic data. This survey will be flown to improve the knowledge of the area. It will support potential future ground-based geological mapping and to provide basic information to support mineral exploration. The survey will consist of approximately 77,000 line km of surveying flown at a line spacing of 800 m (or 2625 feet) for traverse lines and 2000 m (or 6,562 feet) for orthogonal control lines. The flying height will be determined by a smooth draped surface with a minimum terrain clearance of 250 m (or 820 feet). The average flying height will exceed 600m (1968 feet). The intensity of the total magnetic field will be measured from the aircraft. Please note that aircraft will not touch down except at municipal airports. There will be no ground-based survey. Aeromagnetic surveys provide useful information for communities, aboriginal associations, and government to make land use decisions. Copies of the maps will be sent to the local communities. The data will also be made available on-line for free download through the Geoscience Data Repository for Aeromagnetic Data (http://gdr.agg.nrcan.gc.ca/). The data will be published as maps available digitally for free download through NRCan's GeoGratis application (http://geogratis.gc.ca). The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from February 24, 2017 to May 12, 2017.