Uplift history of Fort Liard area
chercheur principal: McMechan, Margot (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 15725
Organisation: NRCan - Geological Survey of Canada
Année(s) de permis: 2015
Délivré: juil. 21, 2015
Équipe de projet: Margot McMechan, Wing Chan

Objectif(s): To determine any north south changes in the uplift history of the Fort Liard area.

Description du projet: To determine any north south changes in the uplift history of the Fort Liard area. The research team will hike/walk to the outcrop. The team will use a 3 pound sledge hammer and rock hammer to collect hand-sized samples of rock from loose and fallen pieces. The time spent at the outcrop is about 2 hours then the team will return via foot. After, the field work samples will be sent to labs where they will be pulverized and analysed to provide the information used to estimate the amount and timing of uplift. The proposed study would involve up to 3 days of work out of Fort Liard. The research team will stay at motel in Fort Liard, charter a local boat to cross the Liard River to hike to the fire tower and if possible charter a boat a second day to land a few km upstream of Fort Liard on Petitot and Liard Rivers and hike up the hillside. A report of activities will be sent to the local council within 2 months of completion of the field work and anticipate a publication of results within two years. Copies of any posters or journal publications will be sent to local council. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from August 25, 2015 to September 3, 2015.