Edzo Water Intake - Aquatic Assessment

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: water quality, fish, aquatic environment

chercheur principal: Lavictoire, Michelle L (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 15543
Organisation: Bowfin Environmental Consulting
Année(s) de permis: 2014
Délivré: sept. 12, 2014
Équipe de projet: Brittney Pierson, Cody Fontaine, Simon Lavictoire

Objectif(s): To gather site specific information and habitat description at and near the existing water intake.

Description du projet: To gather site specific information and habitat description at and near the existing water intake in order to complete an impact assessment for proposed in-water works (described in the rationale) Site investigations would include habitat mapping and fish community sampling. The research team are assuming the fish community information will be required as it is understood at this time that no site specific data is available. The aquatic habitat would be described within the study area. The descriptions would include the following information: substrate, presence/absence and description of structure, water quality (i.e. dissolved oxygen, temperature and turbidity), depth, wetted width and cover type and abundance. A map would be produced to help illustrate the habitat types encountered within and adjacent to the project area. The fall fish community may be sampled using a variety of gear such as: hoop nets, minnow traps, seine nets and/or gill nets. The net sets would include the overnight period. The fish would be identified and measured (fork length). Healthy fish would be released. The community would be approached to see if they would like the catch from the gill netting assuming that this option is used. Should gill netting be used, the community will be contacted and asked if they would like to have any fish that cannot be released. This project is being completed on behalf of the Community of Behchoko and as such they will receive all of our results. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from September 15, 2014 to October 31, 2014.