Bosworth Creek Surface Water Monitoring Program
chercheur principal: Bartlett, Mike (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 15101
Organisation: WorleyParsons Canada Services Ltd
Année(s) de permis: 2012
Délivré: juin 20, 2012
Équipe de projet: Lucie Sliva, Jessica Penno, Erin Shaw, Mike Bartlett

Objectif(s): To monitor the surface water qualityin Bosworth Creek.

Description du projet: The objective of the research project is to monitor the surface water quality in Bosworth Creek. Data from sampling stations established within and downstream of the Site will be compared to upstream reference stations, located beyond the possible influence of the development, and against an appropriate range of regional data indicating natural variability (where available). Stations will be monitored seasonally to characterize natural temporal variability in conditions, and to identify potential trends in water quality over time. The surface water component consists of biannual collection of surface water parameters and chemistry. Discrete water samples will be collected adjacent to current operational activities, downstream of the current operational activities and upstream of current and historical site operations. Supporting in situ field water quality measurements will be measured at each sampling station using calibrated YSI multiprobe (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and conductivity). Average flows will also be estimated at station using the FlowTech flow meter. Potential to share information collected with the Sahtu Resource Development located in Norman Wells. The results of this study would be presented to Imperial Oil Resources (IOR) who in turn would provide the results to the community upon request. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from June 15, 2012 to September 28, 2012.