An Orientation and Resource Guide for Preceptors of Nursing Students

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: health, nursing

chercheur principal: Stanley-Young, Donna L. (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 14819
Organisation: Memorial University Of Newfoundland
Année(s) de permis: 2010
Délivré: nov. 09, 2010
Équipe de projet: Principal Investigator

Objectif(s): To develop an orientation manual and resource guide for nursing students and preceptors at Stanton Territorial Hospital; and to develop and implement an orientation workshop for nursing students and preceptors at Stanton Territorial Hospital.

Description du projet: The objectives of this research project are: 1)To develop an orientation manual and resource guide for nursing students and preceptors at Stanton Territorial Hospital 2)To develop and implement an orientation workshop for nursing students and preceptors at Stanton Territorial Hospital. This study will use qualitative research as the methodology to capture an understanding of the needs of nursing students, preceptors and nursing administration during preceptorships or student practicums. A thorough literature review and interviews will be used to obtain data. An orientation workshop and an orientation manual/resource guide will then be developed based on the data. Data, specific to the needs of students, nurses and nursing administration at Stanton Territorial Hospital (STH) will be determined by interviewing thirty nurses and nursing students. The participants will be recruited from fourth year nursing students and clinical instructors at Aurora College, as well as a pool of 251 nurses employed by STH who have either completed a practicum at STH as a student or have acted as a preceptor in the past two years and nurse managers. Posters will be placed in Aurora College and Stanton Territorial Hospital to recruit participants. An information sheet explaining the purpose of the study and requesting their participation will be sent to all self-identified potential participants via the hospital and college internal mail systems. The information sheet will instruct the potential participants to contact the researcher if they are willing to participate in the study. At this time, an interview time and location will be arranged at the participants’ convenience. The interviews will be audio-taped with the participant’s permission and transcribed by the primary investigator. Aurora College nursing students and nurse mentors at STHA have the opportunity to provide input into content for future orientations at Stanton Territorial Health Authority. Knowledge obtained from the literature review and data collection will support the nursing administration at Stanton Territorial Hospital through the development of an orientation manual/resource guide and orientation work shop. A final report will be submitted to Memorial University. Participants will be provided will a copy should they be interested. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from November 9, 2010 to December 31, 2010.