Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area
étiquettes: social sciences, economic sustainable development, community planning
chercheur principal: | Kolausok, Edwin D (1) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 14552 |
Organisation: | Vancouver Island University |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | juil. 06, 2009 |
Équipe de projet: | Arvind Chauhan (Graduate Student Researcher, VIU MBA/MScIB Program), Abdulkader Mahairi (Graduate Student Researcher, VIU MBA/MScIB Program), Gaganjot Singh (Graduate Student Researcher, VIU MBA/MScIB Program) |
Objectif(s): The goal of the research project is to research and compile the requirements for the production of an Aklavik Community Economic Sustainable Development Plan (ACESDP) for the community of Aklavik.
Description du projet: This licence is being issued for the scientific research application No. 1141. The goal of the research project is to research and compile the requirements for the production of an Aklavik Community Economic Sustainable Development Plan (ACESDP) for the community of Aklavik. A "Grounded Theory" methodology will be used in this research project. The research will primarily be conducted through literature searches, surveys, group meetings, and in-depth interviews. Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be used. The hypothesis will be, "Community economic sustainable development planning, involving community members, to develop a community economic sustainable development plan, can help to improve a community's work towards the achievement of economic self-reliance." Using questionnaires and focus group sessions a broad range of data will be collected to determine what local people feel are important aspects for community economic sustainable development. The data will assist in answering the following three main questions: 1. What do Aklavik residents perceive their community's sustainable economic development to be? 2. What factors or changes, in their opinion, can lead to this sustainable economic development? 3. What priorities do they want to establish for their community's economic sustainable development plan? An inventory of existing community assests will also be undertaken to establish the community capacity level so that this information can help to inform gaps, needs and readiness for potential economic development activities identified in the community's economic sustainable development plan. The people interview will be Aklavik resident adults over the age of 18 years. The sample will include include parents, young adults, elders, entrepreneurs, leaders, administrators, educators and professionals. One hundred individual interviews will be administered. 20-40 Elders, Leaders, Entrepreneurs in Focus Group settings of 4 to 12 participants per Focus Group Session will be engaged. Written consent will be used. The report, once completed, will be provided to the community for its use. This information will also be presented at a public presentation in the community of Aklavik, which all interested people and parties may attend. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted in Aklavik from July 6 to December 30, 2009.