Bioaccumulation of Perfluorinated Compounds in the Vegetation-Caribou-Wolf Food Chain - Traditional Knowledge

Régions: Gwich'in Settlement Area

étiquettes: biology, caribou, traditional knowledge, wildlife, wolf, food chain

chercheur principal: Katz, Sharon (9)
Nᵒ de permis: 14451
Organisation: Aurora Research Institute
Année(s) de permis: 2008
Délivré: janv. 07, 2009
Équipe de projet: Alestine Andre (Heritage Researcher, Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute, Fort McPhe), Jody Beaumont (heritage coordinator, Trondek Hwechin First Nations, Dawson YT), Megan Williams (heritage Coordinator, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, Old Crow YT)

Objectif(s): The objective of this research is to obtain traditional knowledge (TK) about: the feeding and preying habits of wolves; the relative importance of caribou in wolves' diet; the composition and seasonality of wolves diet; wolvesÆ prey preference; the composition and seasonality of caribou diet; caribou and wolf and oral history information, and compare TK from different regions.

Description du projet: The objective of this research is to obtain traditional knowledge (TK) about: the feeding and preying habits of wolves; the relative importance of caribou in wolves' diet; the composition and seasonality of wolves diet; wolves’ prey preference; the composition and seasonality of caribou diet; caribou and wolf and oral history information, and compare TK from different regions. The Gwich'in Social and Cultural Institute (GSCI) was contracted for this project. Ms. Andre and Dr. Katz prepared the questionnaire to be used. The GSCI is responsible for the interviews, transcribing them, and editing the final report. ARI is responsible for project administration, writing, publishing and presenting the final report. The final report will be presented at the Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) 2009 results workshop. The audience includes the NWT Environmental Contaminants Committee and other community members from the NWT. The fieldwork for this study will be conducted from January 07 to December 31, 2009, in Fort McPherson in the Northwest Territories.