Timing and genesis of the Eagle meltwater channel in northern Yukon: Implications for the northwestern Laurentide margin

Régions: Gwich'in Settlement Area

étiquettes: physical sciences, sediment, stratigraphy, historic landscape

chercheur principal: Kennedy, Kristen (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 14353
Organisation: University of Alberta
Année(s) de permis: 2008
Délivré: juin 04, 2008

Objectif(s): The objective of this study is to observe and document sediments exposed along the upper Rat River, and collect samples of sediments for potential radiocarbon dating.

Description du projet: The objective of this study is to observe and document sediments exposed along the upper Rat River, and collect samples of sediments for potential radiocarbon dating. Researchers will fly into area via helicopter from Old Crow. Where possible (large river bars or wide banks), helicopter will land adjacent to river escarpments for up to 2 hours. Researchers will climb up banks to observe sediments at various elevations. Samples will be collected at various elevations and have volumes of 1-2 litres. Total number of samples will be ~25 over 2 or 3 locations. Researchers will fly back to Old Crow at end of the day. Only one day of research is planned, weather permitting date of travel. This is a preliminary research and may not have definitive results. Any results that arise will be published in scientific format and forwarded to the Aurora Research Institute and the Tetlit Gwitch'n. Lead researcher (Kennedy) will also be participating in an interpretive tour of the Dempster Highway in September 2008 that will include the results of this work. Educational opportunities may include increasing the detail of knowledge concerning the timing and nature of glaciation and river drainage in this region. Fieldwork will be conducted between June 20 and 27, 2008, at the Upper Rat River near McDougall Pass. Base camp will be located in Old Crow, YT.