Wind Energy Monitoring in Tuktoyaktuk NWT

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, atmospheric sciences, economic feasibility, wind monitoring

chercheur principal: Seccombe-Hett, Pippa (8)
Nᵒ de permis: 14344
Organisation: Aurora Research Institute
Année(s) de permis: 2008 2007
Délivré: mai 09, 2008
Équipe de projet: Jean-Paul Pinard (Engineer , JP Pinard Consulting), William Hurst (Technician, Aurora Research Institute), Larry Greenland (Technician, Aurora Research Institute)

Objectif(s): The objective of this wind monitoring proposal is to quantify wind energy potential for the economic feasibility of building a wind farm in Tuktoyaktuk.

Description du projet: The objective of this wind monitoring proposal is to quantify wind energy potential for the economic feasibility of building a wind farm in Tuktoyaktuk. This year the proposed project will involve maintaining data collection at the wind monitoring site, as well as data analysis and reporting. The Tuktoyaktuk wind monitor will visit the wind tower site monthly and maintain the monitoring site equipment. Data files are downloaded monthly. Reporting and data management will be maintained by the Aurora Research Institute staff in conjunction with the project engineer. Results will be compiled in a report, posted on the Aurora Research Institute website, and distributed to Tuktoyaktuk community organizations. A wind monitor will be hired to assist with maintenance and data collection. Fieldwork will be conducted from May 10 to December 31, 2008 at the wind tower site at Tuktoyaktuk (69 24'31.86"N 133 02'6.48"W).