Conceptual and Mechanistic Models for the Development and Survival of the Trichostrongylid, Ostertagia gruehneri, in Barrenground Caribou, With Respect to Northern Climate Change

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: biology, caribou, wildlife management, parasites

chercheur principal: Hoar, Bryanne M (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 14322
Organisation: University of Calgary
Année(s) de permis: 2009 2008 2007
Délivré: avr. 01, 2008

Objectif(s): The objective of this study is to test a development model for the gastrointestinal parasite Ostertagia gruehneri using field trials at the Daring Lake Tundra Ecosystem Research Station.

Description du projet: The objective of this study is to test a development model for the gastrointestinal parasite Ostertagia gruehneri using field trials at the Daring Lake Tundra Ecosystem Research Station. Plots of faeces infected with Ostertagia gruehneri eggs will be established and subsampled throughout the summer to monitor development and survival. Transportation to site will be by air, and on foot at the site. Plots of infected faeces will be established biweekly and ambient temperature and relative humidity measured hourly at ground level with a data logger. Sub-samples will be removed from the plots weekly to determine parasite survival and development rates, and compared to the predictive model. Samples left from last summer will be sampled in the spring to assess over-winter survival rates. Faecals for the plots will be obtained from experimentally infected reindeer in Calgary, or from barrenground caribou through other researchers. Reports/posters will be made available to the Aurora Research Institute, the North Slave Métis Alliance, Hunter/Trapper Associations of interested regions, and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. There may be one opportunity for a northern student to assist with field work. Fieldwork will be conducted from May 26 to September 30, 2008 at the Daring Lake Tundra Ecosystem Research Station (64o52'N, 111o37'W).