Tlicho Yatii Auxiliary Verbs

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: social sciences, linguistics, language, Tlîchô

chercheur principal: Welch, Nicholas D S (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 14180
Organisation: University of Victoria
Année(s) de permis: 2013 2009 2007
Délivré: juin 12, 2007

Objectif(s): To investigate the forms, functions, structure, semantics and history of auxiliary verb use in Tlicho Yatii. The data resulting from the investigation will be used in comparative work with auxiliary verbs in other Northern Athabaskan languages.

Description du projet: The objective of this work is to investigate auxiliary verb use in Tlicho Yatii. The knowledge will then be compared to auxiliary verbs in other Northern Athabaskan languages. This research is important because Northern Athabaskan languages are threatened by English. Research may aid the preservation of these languages, which is important both to cultural pride and to linguistic diversity. Documentation of the proper usage of these verbs may help teachers in designing curricula for advanced learners. Also, auxiliary verbs bear certain similarities in use and structure across the languages of the world, and adding to our knowledge of what is universal to human language provides a window into human cognition. Speakers will also be consulted on the correctness or incorrectness of sentences proposed by the investigator. Fluent speakers of Tlicho Yatii will be consulted, and three types of sentences discussed with them: 1) English sentences, which will be translated into Tlicho Yatii; 2) Tlicho Yatii sentences from texts, for which literal and alternate translations will be given; and 3) Tlicho Yatii sentences of the researchers own composition which the consultants will be asked to correct (if necessary). Sentences will then be analyzed to discover the structure of auxiliary verb syntax and relationships to other Athabaskan languages. Participants who wish to remain anonymous will not be mentioned to others beyond the investigator and his research supervisor, and their names will not be recorded. With the consent of the participants, data will be archived for possible future study. All participants will be compensated for their time and may withdraw from the research at any time. All research will take place in Behchoko. Copies of publications relating to the research will be provided to the Tlicho Community Services Agency, consultants, and to the Aurora Research Institute. The study will be conducted from June 12 to December 31, 2007.