Swimming against the mainstream: Shallow water pool certification

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: recreation, skills training, swimming

chercheur principal: Giles, Audrey R. (22)
Nᵒ de permis: 14178
Organisation: University of Ottawa
Année(s) de permis: 2007
Délivré: juin 12, 2007

Objectif(s): To evaluate the pilot participants' experiences in order to assess the viability of the shallow water pool certification and whether or not it will serve to attract northern residents into the aquatics profession.

Description du projet: Since 1967 the NWT Aquatics Program has brought aquatic leaders from southern Canada to the North to teach northern residents water safety in an effort to decrease high drowning rates. The NWT Recreation and Parks Association in conjunction with the Lifesaving Society of Canada will be piloting the Shallow Water Pool Lifeguard certification to address the problem of having very few northern residents working at Northern pools. All participants in the Shallow Water Pool Lifeguard pilot will be invited to take part in the study. Participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and a focus group will be used. An ethical review of the study has been done by the University of Ottawa. Participants may remain anonymous if they choose. Individuals who choose to remain anonymous will be given pseudonyms in transcripts and publications, and identifying information removed. Records will be kept in a locked filing cabinet. Electronic data will be password protected. The results will be shared with the NWT Recreation and Parks Association and posted on its website. Reports will be provided to research participants and the Aurora Research Institute. The study will be conducted from June 12 to December 31, 2007 in Yellowknife.