2007 Field Monitoring - Matthews Lake and Area Fish Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Project

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: biology, fish, aquatic ecology, ecology, habitat

chercheur principal: Van Humbeck, Joe (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 14144
Organisation: Dillon Consulting limited
Année(s) de permis: 2007
Délivré: avr. 17, 2007
Équipe de projet: Joe Van Humbeck (Biologist, Dillon Consulting Limited), Kirsten Norris (Biologist, Dillon Consulting Limited), Janet Scott (Environmental Technician, Dillon Consulting Limited), Chris Dane (Environmental Technician, Dillon Consulting Limited), Sachi DeSouza (Biologist, Dillon Consulting Limited), Miriam Marshall (Biologist, Dillon Consulting Limited), Nathan Gregory (Biologist, Dillon Consulting Limited), Raenelle Parker (Biologist, Dillon Consulting Limited), Trevor Welton (Biologist, Dillon Consulting Limited)

Objectif(s): The objective of the 2007 portion of the project is to monitor control sites and treatment sites, and collect information on the habitat utilization. Data collected will be used to evaluate the continued success and effectiveness of the habitat construction and enhancement.

Description du projet: The objective of the 2007 portion of the project is to monitor control sites and treatment sites, and collect information on the habitat utilization. Data collected will be used to evaluate the continued success and effectiveness of the habitat construction and enhancement. Field crews will fly to Matthews Lake, landing either on the runway or the lake. The Treeline Lodge, where the research team will be based, has vehicles which will be used to transport equipment and personnel to monitoring stations. Fish will be collected using gill nets, seine nets, angling, minnow traps, electrofishing and dip nets. Visual observations of fish will be gathered using snorkling surveys, streambank walks, and spawning surveys. All fish collected will be weighed, measured and checked for health. Fish will be returned to the environment unharmed. Public consultation will take place with interested parties. A report will be written and submitted to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the Aurora Research Institute. Fieldwork will be conducted from May 1 to October 15, 2007 at Matthew Lake, Sandy Lake, an unnamed pond (referred to as Pond B), an unnamed stream (referred to as Stream B), and habitat surrounding these features. The study area runs between 64 01' 02"N and 64 06' 31.2"N, and between 111 07' 44.4"W and 111 18' 22.4"W.