Discovery Mine Aquatic Studies

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: mining impacts, risk assessment, fisheries assessment

chercheur principal: Hamm, Sharleen (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 14051
Organisation: Gartner Lee Ltd.
Année(s) de permis: 2006
Délivré: août 04, 2006
Équipe de projet: Sharleen Hamm (Field Coordinator, Biologist, Gartner Lee), Sean Miller (Biologist, Gartner Lee), Deborah Flemming (Water Resources Specialist, Gartner Lee), Craig Neufeld (Biologist, Gartner Lee), Genevieve Martin (Biologist, Gartner Lee), Bruce Ford (Research Supervisor, Biologist, Gartner Lee), Eric Denholm (Project Manager, Gartner Lee)

Description du projet: Proposed work includes an aquatic study and risk assessment. Sampling will occur over a two week period in mid-August. Samples will be collected with gill nets. Target species include lake trout and northern pike. Tissue samples from fish representing all age classes will be collected (up to twenty fish per species per lake). Sediment and benthic invertebrate samples may also be collected, depending upon the requirements of the risk assessment scope. Where possible, fish that succumb during capture will be utilized for tissue samples, decreasing the number of additional fish to be lethally sampled. Sampling sites will be accessed by fixed wing aircraft and boat. Plain language reports will be submitted to the Aurora Research Institute and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Fieldwork will be carried out from August 4 to September 15, 2006 at the following sites: Giauque Lake and Lake A (6909000N 355000E, 63 11'06.22" N and 113 53' 07.07" W).