Environmental Studies for the Proposed Parsons Lake Development Area During Summer and Fall 2006

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: fish habitat, vegetation, fish, bathymetry, winter road

chercheur principal: Graf, Linda H (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 14034
Organisation: ConocoPhillips Canada (North) Limited
Année(s) de permis: 2007 2006
Délivré: juil. 21, 2006
Équipe de projet: Serge Metikosh (Fish Habitat Biologist, IMG Golder Inc.), Jacek Patalas (Fish Habitat Biologist, IMG Golder Inc.), Joanne Livingston (Hydrologist, TERA Environmental Consultants), Mari Decker (Botanist, TERA Environmental Consultants), Patrick Williston (Botanist, TERA Environmental Consultants), Lori Hamilton (Botanist, TERA Environmental Consultants), Graham Griffith (Botanist, TERA Environmental Consultants), Researcher (Fish Habitat Biologist/Hydrologist, IMG Golder Inc.), To be determined (Wildlife Monitors, To be determined), To be determined (Local Assistants, To be determined)

Description du projet: The anticipated studies include lake bathymetry, fish and fish habitat, and vegetation studies. Measurements of lake depths, surface area and other bathymetric features will determine lakes suitable for water withdrawal during the proposed construction phase of the winter access roads. Bathymetry work will be conducted with a digital echo-sounder linked to a GPS and other supporting equipment. Lakes will be traversed in a grid to ensure that a lake bottom profile is accurately measured. Water levels, flow regimes, inlets, outlets and the general topography of the area will be noted. Approximately 25 lakes will be visited. This work will be used to establish a preliminary alignment for a Parsons Lake to Tuktoyaktuk winter access road. The fish and fish habitat surveys are a continuation of 2004-2005 studies. These studies will confirm fish presence, document species utilizing a water body and detail habitat features of those locations. Fish and fish habitat investigations of permanently flowing watercourses will involve measurements of width, depth and flow, characterization of bed material, mapping of habitat features, and collection of a thorough photographic record. The detailed habitat surveys will be conducted mainly under base-flow conditions in late summer. Fish sampling using backpack electrofishing, minnow traps and gill nets will be conducted at selected water bodies to identify fish species, confirm presence and evaluate rearing and feeding use. Gill netting will be limited to one night, except at the granular resource borrow site lakes where multi-day sets may be necessary, and will document the presence and size-classes of fish utilizing the water body. This work is necessary to establish a proposed all-weather access road and airstrip. Vegetation studies will monitor potential impacts on lichen health and productivity as a result of activities in Parsons Lake development area. Preconstruction and post-construction lichen data will be collected. The study will also link to caribou monitoring work currently being conducted. Rare plant surveys and vegetation classification have been previously conducted, but additional rare plant surveys and vegetation classification may be required as locations have been refined. Environmental field studies will be conducted within a 1 km corridor along a possible alignment for winter access roads, within a 3 km corridor around the Parsons Lake development area, and at select sites throughout the study area. Transportation will be by foot traverse, helicopter, and/or zodiac. Crews will be flown to the site from Inuvik each day. Each team will include one wildlife monitor, and one local assistant (except the aquatics team). A non-technical summary will be provided to communities along with regular reports to the HTCs. Fieldwork will take place from July 21 to August 23, 2006.