Richardson Mountains Geological Field Program

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, geology, hydrocarbon exploration, petroleum industry, rock, surface condition

chercheur principal: Millman, Peter M (5)
Nᵒ de permis: 14029
Organisation: Devon Canada Corporation
Année(s) de permis: 2006
Délivré: juil. 12, 2006
Équipe de projet: Greg Soule (Lead Geologist, Devon Canada), Inuvialuit Wildlife Monitor (wildlife monitor, Akalvik HTC), Helicopter Pilot (helicopter pilot, Canadian Helicopters), Devon Geologist #1 (project geologist, Devon Canada), Geologist #2 (project geologist, Devon Canada)

Description du projet: The aim of the project is to obtain geological information by observing surface features of the Kamik Trend geological formation and to apply this to the reservoir model for the Tuk M18 gas discovery. Transportation to the area will be by helicopter on a daily basis from Aklavik. Information will be gathered by visual observation, photography, manual measurements with handtools (inclinometers), and surface rock sampling (approximately 20 samples of 1kg each). Rock samples would be taken on an opportunistic basis and would be removed using a small rock hammer. A written review of the project activities will be provided to communities on request. The project team will be staying at accomodations in the community of Aklavik and will be hiring a local wildlife monitor. The study will be conducted at Grizzly Gorge (UTM Zone 8 NAD27, northing 7570886.5 easting 472631.5).