The Dark Side of Captain Al Cohol: Race and Social Control in the Northwest Territories

Régions: South Slave Region

étiquettes: social sciences, addiction, alcohol

chercheur principal: Thompson, Scott N (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 13971
Organisation: Lakehead University
Année(s) de permis: 2005
Délivré: mai 01, 2006

Description du projet: A thorough critical analysis of a series of comic books and radio plays related to the superhero character, Captain Al Cohol, will form the focus of this archival study. The ways in which race operates in cultural texts about First Nations and alcohol in the North will be investigated through developing an understanding of how the racialized category of “Indian,” became synonymous with “alcoholic” or “drunk”, and how the term “Indian” came to refer to persons of non-Native ancestry who fit the “Indian drunkenness” stereotype. The researcher will review the comic books and radio programs on archive at the Northern Life Museum in Fort Smith. In addition, any other public documents significant to the Captain Al Cohol books found at either Fort Smith or the archives in Yellowknife will be investigated. Data collection will involve the reading and copying of documents as well as contacting federal, territorial and First ... Plus de résultatsNations government officials to locate other historical documents such as official responses, protests against or praise of the Captain Al Cohol program. Copies of all non-Freedom of Information-protected historical documents can be made available to interested community organizations. Copies of any publications resulting from this research, including posters, will be made available to all community organizations. The study will be conducted from July 1 to August 23, 2006 in Fort Smith and Yellowknife. Afficher moins