Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Survey
chercheur principal: Boyce, William F. (2)
Nᵒ de permis: 13881
Organisation: Queen's University
Année(s) de permis: 2018 2005 2002
Délivré: juil. 25, 2005
Équipe de projet: Dr. John Freeman, Dr. Don Klinger, Dr. Wendy Craig, Dr. Will Pickett

Description du projet: The aim of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) survey is to determine the current status of health, health behaviours and attitudes of young people in order to influence the development of effective policies and programs. All materials (questionnaires, information forms, parent consent forms, and privacy envelopes) will be provided by the research team to the students. Students will be given a one time administration of the HBSC questionnaire to complete anytime between October 7th, 2005 and February 28th, 2006. The survey will be conducted in classrooms of classes/grades selected. A teacher of each targeted grade/class will inform the students about the study, distribute and collect parent consent forms ahead of the survey implementation date. On the arranged day of survey implementation, the respective class teacher of each targeted grade/class will: explain to the students the process of survey implementation; have those students who have returned their parent consent forms fill out the questionnaires; and, collect the surveys that have been inserted into privacy envelopes that will be provided. Two age-specific versions of the survey have been developed. One is for students in Grades 9 and 10, and a second version is for Grade 6 to 8 students, which takes age-appropriate items into consideration and eliminates some of the risk behaviour (i.e., drug, alcohol, and sexual behaviour) items. The majority of the questions in the survey have been used for the past 12 years of the study. Extensive piloting and validation work has taken place in Canada and internationally. New items for the current 2005 cycle have been piloted in the Spring of 2005. A summary of the findings, in the form of a report, will be distributed to the participating school boards and schools The study will be conducted at Hay River. Specifically, surveys will be conducted at Diamond Jenness Secondary School (one class each of grades 8, 9, and 10 students) and Princess Alexandra School (one class each of grades 6 and 7 students). In 2005, the surveys will be conducted between October 7 and December 31, 2005.