Régions: North Slave Region
étiquettes: health, health care evaluation, nursing, northern community
chercheur principal: | Edge, Dana S (1) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 13830 |
Organisation: | Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | juin 06, 2005 |
Équipe de projet: | Meg McDonagh (Co-Investigator, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary), Dr. Marlene Reimer (Co-Investigator, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary) |
Description du projet: Health care issues, delivery systems, community education and incorporation of new knowledge and practices vary between Canada's various rural and remote communities. This study will look at how health practitioners and community members in rural and remote settings in Canada access health information and use research findings. By interviewing community members and health practitioners in these areas, the Canadian research community will be better able to design and implement research that addresses the needs of these individuals and communities. A local undergraduate nursing student will receive research instruction and training from a doctorally-prepared nursing candidate and will, over the course of several months, interview four community members and four health care professionals in Rae-Edzo. Each interview will be 60-90 minutes long. All participation is voluntary and the participants may choose to withdraw at any time. While there is no direct benefit for the participants, the research team has set aside funds for transportation and babysitting costs for community participants. Interim and final reports will be shared with participants, health facilities, and the community of Rae-Edzo. A local advisory group may be established in Rae-Edzo to advise the local researcher and the research team in Calgary of the best way to communicate the findings. The study will be conducted at Rae-Edzo from June 20 to August 31, 2005.