Negotiating with Mining Companies - Lessons from the Lutsel K'e Experience
chercheur principal: Weitzner, Viviane Anita (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 13727
Organisation: The North-South Institute
Année(s) de permis: 2004
Délivré: sept. 21, 2004
Équipe de projet: Omaira Min

Objectif(s): The processes and negotiations leading up to the development of the BHP and Diavik diamond mines in the Northwest Territories are often hailed as models for others to consider. The main objective of this project is to gather information from the experience of Lutsel K'e in negotiating with the government, BHP, and other mining companies to share with other indigenous communities facing large-scale mining activities on their ancestral lands. In particular, the project will lay the groundwork for an exchange between Lutsel K'e and Indigenous communities in West Suriname (South America) that will be affected by proposed large-scale bauxite mining and related activities by BHP Billiton and Alcoa. The specific objectives are to; 1) introduce Lutsel K'e to the international research project of which this exchange is a part, and prepare it for a potential visit by Surinamese Indigenous leaders whose communities will be affected by proposed large-scale bauxite mining and related activities by BHP Billiton and Alcoa; 2) gather diverse community perspectives that will strengthen and complement the views of the individual(s) (chosen by Lutsel K'e) who will travel to share the Lutsel K'e experience in Suriname; and 3) write a case study reflecting these diverse perspectives to share with Surinamese (and other) indigenous communities.