Post Construction Revegetation and Soil Monitoring for the Liard Pipeline and Gathering Project, Fort Liard, NT and Maxhamish Area, BC
chercheur principal: Kustan, Ed (9)
Nᵒ de permis: 13630
Organisation: Paramount Resources Ltd.
Année(s) de permis: 2004
Délivré: mai 28, 2004
Équipe de projet: Sylvia Tay

Objectif(s): The National Energy Board requested that a site-specific monitoring program be developed for the Liard pipeline and presented as part of the Environmental Protection Program (EPP). The site-specific monitoring program was designed to comply with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (CEAA) in consultation with Nahendeh. Paramount is committed to monitoring the pipeline right-of-way on an annual basis until the end of 2004. The purpose of the monitoring is to assess reclamation success and identify areas of concern regarding revegetation and soil loss by erosion.