Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Gwich'in Settlement Area
étiquettes: environmental impact, biology, fish, wildlife management, hydroacoustic survey, human disturbance, fish behaviour
chercheur principal: | Hannay, David (1) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 13549 |
Organisation: | JASCO Research Ltd.; Inuvialuit Environmental & Geotechnical Inc.; LGL Ltd. |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | sept. 18, 2003 |
Équipe de projet: | Project te |
Objectif(s): The purpose of this study is to assess the reaction of four native northern freshwater fish species to underwater sound and light. Sound signals and strobe lights are commonly used to keep fish away from locations in lakes and oceans from which they can be harmed. Although many studies have been conducted in oceans and lakes in southern latitudes, there has been little research conducted in northern freshwater environments. This study will test the hypothesis that fish will move away from underwater sound sources and strobe-light sources. Specifically, the project team will: 1) determine whether or not fish can be moved away from an area using acoustic and strobed light sources; 2) monitor the continuous locations of caged fish exposed to underwater noise and strobed light; 3) monitor the effects of different frequencies of sound to determine the most effective frequencies for the purposes described above; 4) determine whether the strobe light pulse frequency influences the response; and 5) determine the distances over which the acoustic and light sources are effective. The results of this study will be useful to organizations, such as seismic exploration companies, that perform work in northern lake environments and require methods for reducing the environmental impacts of their work on freshwater fish.