Ecological Investigation at the Giant Mine

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: environmental assessment, site remediation, mining impacts, arsenic

chercheur principal: d'Entremont, Marc (7)
Nᵒ de permis: 13529
Organisation: Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd.
Année(s) de permis: 2003
Délivré: sept. 02, 2003
Équipe de projet: Brent Keep

Objectif(s): In preparation of DIAND's detailed Arsenic Trioxide Management Project Description, an assessment of the current environmental conditions at and around the Giant Mine site and an assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with implementation of the preferred alternative for the management of the arsenic trioxide dust must be conducted. This study will map, describe and analyze the aquatic vegetation communities throughout the portion of Baker Creek lying within the lease boundary and the area immediately adjacent to the discharge of Baker Creek to Back Bay. The terrestrial vegetation resources within the lease area will also be inventoried, described and assessed. The results will be presented in a series of GIS-based maps and a written report.