2001 Baseline Slimy Sculpin/Lake Trout Habitat Utilization Studies
chercheur principal: Madsen, Eric (2)
Nᵒ de permis: 13232
Organisation: Diavik Diamond Mines Inc./Dillon Consulting Ltd.
Année(s) de permis: 2001 2000
Délivré: juil. 25, 2001
Équipe de projet: Peter Moore, Toby Marlowe, Fisheries technician (North Slave Metis Alliance)

Objectif(s): This project is a requirement under Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. authorization. Findings will be summarized in report form to satisfy all NWT regulatory requirements. The objective of this study is two fold: a) to collect slimy sculpin tissue samples for baseline metal analysis; b) to monitor seasonal lake trout habitat utilization in Lac de Gras using radio telemetry methodologies.

Description du projet: The objective of this study is two fold: a) to collect slimy sculpin tissue samples for baseline metal analysis; b) to monitor seasonal lake trout habitat utilization in Lac de Gras using radio telemetry methodologies. Twenty-five Slimy sculpins will be collected using baited minnow traps and opportunistic underwater netting, using professional SCUBA divers if available. Samples will be sent to approved laboratories for tissue metals and metallothioneine analyses. Fifteen Lake trout will be fitted with radio-tags and tracked over the 2001 open water period to monitor seasonal movements within Lac de Gras. Tracking will be done by boat and helicopter. Fish will be live captured by angling methodologies and released at the approximate point of capture.