Régions: North Slave Region
étiquettes: physical sciences, geological mapping, geology
chercheur principal: | MacLachlan, Kate (2) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 13230 |
Organisation: | Geological Survey of Canada |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | juil. 24, 2001 |
Équipe de projet: | Carolyn Relf, Scott Cairns, Jim Renaud and Francois Hardy |
Objectif(s): This project is being carried out collaboratively by the Geological Suvey of Canada in Ottawa and the C.S. Lord Northern Geoscience Centre in Yellowknife, and is aimed at upgrading our knowledge of the geology of the Walmsley Lake map sheet. The work will contribute to a better understanding of the geological history of the Slave Province (which extends from Rae Edzo in the west, to East Arm of Great Slave Lake, and north to Coronation Gulf), and provide baseline geological data for exploration companies working in the area (baseline data can be used for evaluating mineral potential and predicting such things as acid rock drainage). In addition, we are collecting information on glacial deposits in the area.
Description du projet: The work will contribute to a better understanding of the geological history of the Slave Province (which extends from Rae Edzo in the west, to East Arm of Great Slave Lake, and north to Coronation Gulf), and provide baseline geological data for exploration companies working in the area (baseline data can be used for evaluating mineral potential and predicting such things as acid rock drainage). The geological mapping will be carried out from a 7 person mobile camp that will be located near the south end of Kirk Lake from June 7-30, then move to southwestern Walmsley Lake from July 1 to mid August. Our operation will involve walking traverses across exposed outcrop, documenting rock types, textures, compositions etc, and collecting samples to help us better understand how the rocks formed. By-monthly supply flights will be by twin otter from Yellowknife.