Birds of the Mackenzie Delta

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: biology, delta ecosystem, identity clarification, taxonomy, educational tool, birds, public learning

chercheur principal: Salomons, Michael (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 13217
Organisation: Aurora Research Institute
Année(s) de permis: 2001
Délivré: juin 27, 2001
Équipe de projet: Dennis Verbeek, Cindy Verbeek, Jason King

Objectif(s): The objectives of the research team are to produce a plain-language Guide to Birds of the Inuvik Region. This Guide will be made available to school groups, tourists, and community members.

Description du projet: The research team will be based in Inuvik, and travel within the Municipality on foot, bicycle and by motor vehicle. While the majority of the Guide preparation will involve the completion of background research/literature reviews in libararies and on the internet, field studies will be carried out to document the bird species present locally. These species will be photographically documented; no additional sampling will occur.