Parson's Lake Seismic Research Project
chercheur principal: Fernet, Dave (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 13149
Organisation: Golder Associates Ltd
Année(s) de permis: 2000
Délivré: juil. 21, 2000
Équipe de projet: Kristine Mason, Golder Associates Technicians, one local monitor

Objectif(s): The objectives of the environmental monitoring program are to ensure all activities associated with seismic activity in the Parson's Lake area are within relevant guidelines for the protection of the Parson's lake environment. Gulf Canada Resources Limited plans to conduct detailed, 3D seismic exploration in the Parson's Lake area, likely in 2001, and to this end, needs to develop protocols that may be used to ensure this seismic exploration is carried out in an environmentally sound manner. The majority of the data being collected relates to effects of seismic operations in the aquatic environment. Terrestrial effects are anticipated to be limited, due to the timing of the activities (August). Potential wildlife issues such as grizzly bear den sites, and migrating or nesting waterfowl, or wintering bluenose caribou will be avoided as these habitats or activities are not being used or do not occur in August, and, this habitat will not be altered or destroyed by the geophysical operations. Monitoring in the aquatic environment will be conducted to ensure all guidelines regarding the use of explosives in water bodies are met, and relevant water quality guidelines are not exceeded. Monitoring will also be carried out to ensure no activity associated with the research program, and ultimately the full-scale program results in the harmful alteration, disturbance or destruction of fish habitat.

Description du projet: The objectives of this study are to ensure all activities associated with seismic activity in the Parson's Lake area are within relevant guidelines for the protection of the environment. Personnel will commute by helicopter from Inuvik daily and guidelines for protection of wildlife during overflights will be observed. Seismic testing will be carried out approximately 5 km northeast to approximately 5 km southwest of Parson's Lake. The length of the seismic line within Parson's Lake is approximately 7 km. Shot holes for the test will be 100m apart. Between 10 and 20 initial tests will be carried out to estimate depth of burial and charge size that result in acceptable overpressures in the lake, and to monitor effects on suspended sediments in the lake. Seismic testing on land will be carried out by heliportable drilling. Following the research program, all shot holes on land will be filled, and, each hole will be re-examined in 2001 to ensure no subsidence has occurred (if needed shot holes will be re-filled at that time). A barge will be constructed specifically for this study and will be slung by helicopter to the lake. A dredge will be used to collect surface sediment samples for analysis of chemical characteristics, while drill cuttings will be analysed for the chemical characteristics of deeper sediment samples. Water samples will be taken for total suspended sediment analysis, and a turbidity meter will be used to determine turbidity. Hydrophones will be used to measure water overpressures and underpressures. Seventy surface substrate samples will be taken, one at each shot hole, for particle size analysis. Surficial and deep sediment samples from near the west shore, in the middle of the lake, and near the east shore will be taken for analysis of organochlorines and heavy metals. An observer from the HTC will monitor any possible interactions with wildlife. DFO will likely have personnel present to act as observers. The location of the proposed seismic line will be compared to registered archaeological sites at the Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Center and if present, the line will be moved. Gulf has examined the Community Conservation Programs, and inquired regarding the presence of trap lines and has found no conflicts with use of this area. All cabin owners in the area will be notified of the seismic activities in advance of the program.